Find a singer in Marseille

Meet music lovers looking for musicians in Marseille.

  • All singers profiles in Marseille
  • Unlimited connection with members
  • A large community of amateur or pro talent in music in Marseille
  • Hundreds of musicians discuss and make collabs in Marseille
  • Finding a singer in Marseille has never been easier
  • Discuss your projects and musical tastes
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Selection of singers in Marseille

Sarah Lamy

The meeting between musicians in Marseille finally simple and fast

Find easily your singer in Marseille

Freely consult the profiles we have found in Marseille and choose your future partner(s) to make music near you (musician, singer, composer, beatmaker, producer, etc.).

Organize your meeting between musicians in Marseille

Discuss with other musicians in Marseille to tell them about your needs and objectives (playing as a duo, releasing an EP, starting a band, improvising, composing, doing covers or jam sessions, etc.).

Improve your music skills playing with other musicians in Marseille

Playing with several people or in a group will quickly improve your game and above all it's very fun. We give you the opportunity to contact amateur or pro musicians or bands in your area and in particular at Marseille.

Like what you see? We’re just getting started...

Finding a singer in Marseille has never been easier

Find the right singer for your project

Find the perfect singer for your musical project among our many verified musician profiles at Marseille, thanks to an intuitive and powerful search engine.

Make music together

Repeat and play hand in hand. Compose, jam, play, arrange together your original titles, compositions or covers or covers. Among neighbors, in your region around Marseille, share your passion, music!

Share your music

If you have a Youtube channel you can post your videos on your profile. You can also highlight your recordings, your sounds on your profile to share them with other members.